What is unique about Sequoia?

How play-based learning works, and why

  • For over 50 years, our school has provided a vibrant learning community for families in San Carlos and surrounding cities. Because parents work in the classroom once a week, the adult-to-child ratio is exceptionally high, offering children supervised activities all around the large play space. SPNS is a play-based, developmentally appropriate program that prepares children for today's kindergarten and beyond.

  • As a community, we learn from each other, and we strive to foster an anti-bias environment.

  • The school has been at its current location since 1972 and is not affiliated with any religious organization.

What are the benefits of parent participation?

  • Parents generously offer time and energy for the benefit of their young children by participating in the ways specifically outlined on the class page.

  • A parent will spend approximately 15 hours a month participating in school activities, most of which are spent in their child’s classroom. 

  • The advantage of parents sharing in their child's preschool experience is a unique opportunity to witness their child's learning in a community environment, allowing for a more informed approach to their child's education.

Does the preschool offer full-time childcare or all-day school?

  • No, the morning programs are half-day, 2 or 3 times a week depending on the class.

  • Toddler Play is a once-a-week, parent-child observation class.

When does enrollment occur?

  • We start working to fill our Fall classes in February.

  • Enrollment for the current school year is possible through March provided that the school has openings in any of the classes.

The school is designed to foster children's curiosity and provide them with ample time and freedom to explore to their heart’s content.

What is a workday?

  • This is a parent's regular workday in the classroom. One parent must work in the classroom once a week.

Can another adult family member substitute as the workday parent?

  • We welcome grandparents and other close relatives to participate in a parent's commitment to the school. In the event that a parent is unable to participate regularly, non-family caregivers may be enrolled to assist in the classroom, subject to certain requirements including approval by the board. All parents and caregivers must attend orientations, and parent education classes, and submit all required paperwork.

  • Please inquire about this during your school visit.

What is parent ed?

  • SPNS’ roots are in its affiliation with the Sequoia Adult School (SAS) parenting program. As students, caregivers observe and learn from credentialed teachers who facilitate age-appropriate programs supporting early childhood development.

  • Alongside the children, enrolled caregivers are also learners at SPNS.

  • Facilitated by the class teacher each week, the adults meet to discuss pertinent child development topics. Our school is affiliated with Sequoia Adult School whose mission is to provide quality programs in which students develop the skills needed to find and retain employment, support their children in the Pre-K to 12 educational system, and contribute to vibrant and healthy communities, we aim to support that mission.

When does the parent-ed meeting occur?

  • Uniquely at Sequoia, parent ed is primarily part of the day. During the classroom workday twice a month, parents attend an additional hour of parent-ed discussion group (and lunch) while their children are supervised at Lunch Bunch. The school also hosts 2-3 evening meetings per year (all school meetings, in-person or via webinars). Toddler Play parent ed occurs organically in the classroom in mini-discussions.

Each class hosts a mandatory parent orientation at the start of the school year, typically an evening during the week after Labor Day.

What is Lunch Bunch?

  • Lunch Bunch is a program that allows children to have lunch and playtime while adults attend parent-ed meetings.

  • Lunch Bunch is supervised by a few staff and member adults who sign up to work that hour a week. 

At SPNS, parent education meetings are typically part of the day.

Any perks for signing up as a Lunch Bunch supervisor?

  • Yes, adult members who opt to work one Lunch Bunch hour a week receive a monthly discount on tuition. Only a limited number of Lunch Bunch supervisor slots are available each year and are first come, first served, sign up is at registration.

  • Supervisors are also welcome to bring other siblings for the Lunch Bunch shift.

Who provides preschool snacks & lunches?

  • All snacks and lunches are provided by parents.

  • Class snacks are provided by the parent assigned to kitchen duty. A standard snack consists of crackers, fruit, and cheese. Kitchen duty comes around for a parent roughly every 8-12 weeks depending on the class.

  • The parent assigned to kitchen duty also provides a light lunch for the working parents which is enjoyed during parent ed. This meal often consists of a hearty salad.

  • Parents provide their own children with lunch for Lunch Bunch.

  • We are a nut-free school and will make various accommodations for other food allergies.

What is a preschool job?

  • Upon registration, you will get to choose a school-wide job that suits your talents and interest. Every member is matched to a job and must complete a certain amount of hours to fulfill their co-op duties. You must keep track of your job hours and submit them to your supervisor or committee chair each trimester.

We are a nut-free school and will make various accommodations for other food allergies.

What makes the school a non-profit?

  • SPNS’ roots are in its affiliation with the Sequoia Adult School parenting program and so functions as a learning center for everyone enrolled. As students, parents observe and learn from credentialed teachers who facilitate age-appropriate programs supporting early childhood development.

  • As a non-profit organization, it is run by its members. A member-elected Board of Directors oversees the operations of the school

Who is on the Board?

  • The Board is made up of school members who were elected into committee chair roles the previous year. Positions can be held for one or two years. Participation at the board level means you do not have to log job hours or attend a weekend clean-up. Alumni can also serve on the board!

What is the “clean-up & beautification” requirement?

  • As part of the co-op duties, a parent must help deep clean the school on one of the school's scheduled clean-up dates. Parents can choose a date from four choices, and shifts are two hours.

Why does the school fundraise?

  • SPNS offers Bay Area families an affordable, high-quality preschool program with a high adult/child ratio, led by qualified teachers. We strive to keep tuition low so that more families can access preschool. Each year, SPNS must rely on additional funds to cover its costs. Alumni, current families, and friends of SPNS are invited to make voluntary, tax-deductible donations and participate in fundraising activities. You can read more about ways to support our school here. We rely on these funds to balance the budget.

What if a family wants to enroll multiple children at SPNS?

School starts mid-September and runs right up to June.

  • That is great! The school does not offer application and registration discounts but can offer a 10% discount to be applied to the younger child’s tuition, or make the following accommodations:

    If a family has multiple children enrolled in our school and prefers to adjust the participation requirements, we can provide various options. These may include modifications to the required workdays, school job hours, parent education classes, and fundraising duties. However, please note that these will be subject to Board approval and will depend on the school and class needs. If you would be interested in these options, you can inquire about them when submitting your application.

Does my child need to be potty trained?

  • No, teachers and fellow parents will help children learn to use the potty and change diapers and/or clothing as needed.

To register, does the preschool require immunizations for children and adults?

  • There are certain vaccinations required by California law and others that are set by the preschool's board. To learn more about the specific requirements, please visit this link.

  • California’s vaccination requirements can be read here. Feel free to download any documents available on the website and share them with your physician. It is important to note that as of September 1, 2016, the California Department of Public Health requires all adults working with children to provide proof of certain vaccinations, including influenza.

  • Any medical exemptions for school and child care entry must be issued through CAIR-ME and also submit proof of documentation to SPNS.

Once you have completed your visit, we will send you a link to the online application.

Does the school run year-round?

  • No, we follow the local school district calendar, which runs from mid-September to June.

  • Families can sign up for Summer Camps week-to-week and run in the latter weeks of June and most of July, and school closes in August. Please check the Summer Camp page for more up-to-date information.

How many children are enrolled at SPNS?

  • The school capacity is 72 children across 3 core classes.

Does SPNS have a waiting list?

  • Priority is given to returning and alumni families.

  • Registration then opens to the public at Open House, typically held the first Saturday in February.

  • A waiting list will be generated if the number of applications exceeds the available openings.

Is the school affiliated with any religious organization?

  • No, SPNS leases its space and is not otherwise affiliated with the church.

How can one learn more about SPNS?

  • Call and arrange for an individual visit.

  • Attend Open House.

  • Like and follow us on Facebook.

How do I enroll?

Please check the school calendar for an overview of the school's annual activities; a final version is put out at orientation. 

Nondiscrimination policy

  • Sequoia Parents Nursery School is a nonprofit organization and does not discriminate by race, color, national or ethnic origin, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or status. The school admits members of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to members at the schools and does not discriminate on any of these bases in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other school-administered programs.

  • In addition, as a nonprofit organization, SPNS does not discriminate by race, color, national or ethnic origin, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or status for employment.